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Clipboard Health
Design Challenge
Clipboard Health is a two-sided marketplace between nurses and medical facilities. Their products allows for facilities to list shifts which nurses can sign up for.  They pay the nurses and the facilities pay them.


UX Researcher
UX Designer
1 week
Tools Used
Pen & Paper, Figma, FigJam
Project Type
Design Challenge

My task for this challenge was to create a clock in and clock out flow that also took into account a state of my choosing laws regarding: shift length, number of required breaks and meals, and whether or not overtime is allowed.

I was given some constraints for this project and had to keep them in mind while designing:

  • Providers can clock in 15 minutes before shift, but shift doesn't begin until scheduled time.
  • One 30 min lunch break required starting between 3-5 hrs into the shift
  • Two 10 min rest breaks allowed any time during shift, not required
  • Breaks can be ended early or skipped for any reason
  • Providers can clock out at or after scheduled shift
  • This scenario doesn't allow overtime pay
  • Providers must submit a photo of their timesheet for verification by Clipboard health, if not submitted there is a delay in payment
DiscoverySynthesizingDesignUser TestingApp FeaturesPrototypeFinal Thoughts


Understanding the Users

Based on feedback of the app from healthcare providers, I was able to learn that:

Forget To Clock Out

Healthcare providers had an issue clocking out.

“Sometimes I forget to clock out. I’ll open my app to clock in for my shift two days later and it’s still running.”

Forget To Take Breaks

They forgot to take breaks due to their hectic days

“It’s easy to get caught up in my work, and if I don’t take my break on time, I just don’t get one. I really need that time off my feet so I can get through the day.”

Forget Shift Length

Sometimes their days blur together and they forget that they’re working a double and end up clocking out early

“A lot of days blur together, and sometimes I’ll clock out and leave the building before I remember I’m working a double. It’s happened more than once, and now my coworkers make fun of me.”


I made some assumptions about the internal process of Clipboard health as well features of the application:

Forgetting to clock in - If a provider forgets to clock in, they can talk to customer service to make the change for themCorrect Hours Calculated - If a provider forgets to clock out, clipboard health goes by the time submitted for correct hoursLocal Laws - The app can automatically apply local laws based on the job postings locationCustomer Service Help - If a provider must clock out before scheduled, customer service can make changes on the back end

Maryland Specific Laws

Researching into the laws that Maryland had regarding shift length, meal+ rest breaks, and overtime I learned that:

  • Maryland follows federal laws for shift length
  • Meal & rest breaks not required but federal rules followed regarding payment
  • Overtime not mandatory outside predetermined schedule but can be required under specific conditions

Healthcare Providers Want...

an easy way to remember when to take their breaks, when to clock out, and when they’re booked for multiple shifts because they are often focused and busy with the work on hand and simply forget to complete these actions


Understanding It All

Thinking about what I had learned during discovery, I created a proto-persona based on the information that Clipboard Health had shared to help me better align and understand their users.


Primary Proto-Persona

Cartoon lady with red hair and mask, holding a phone

Registered Nurse

33 years old

“I get so focused on my job that I sometimes forget the menial parts of it”

Sometimes forgets to clock out and submit her time sheet, which delays payment

Wants to be reminded to take her breaks

Wants a reminder if she’s working multiple shifts so she doesn’t accidentally clock out

Task Selection + Sketches

Designing For a Better Experience

Thinking about Harley and the issues she was having, I was able to identify some opportunities to intervene and create a task flow as well as sketching ideas for screens.

User Testing

Taking different ideas from the sketches, I combined them into wireframes and tested with two different users.  

Coming out of testing, I was given feedback that parts of my initial flow felt a little confusing and excessive for someone that might be in a rush.

I also got feedback on the layout for my “ongoing” screen that it felt like it lacked some information and that the icons felt very tight.

Users also wanted confirmation that their actions of clocking in/logging lunch were actually recieved by the app.

Added Relevant Information to Ongoing Screens

From the feedback I recieved I thought about important information that providers would want quick access to and made changes.

I also changed the layout of my icons and how they are shown to give more space between the icons and text.

Added Confirmation Pop-Ups for Logging Actions

To give users confirmation that they’ve clocked in or started and ended their lunches, I added pop-ups

Pop-ups were added to give users confirmation of clocking in and logging their lunch break.

Editing The Flow

I went back to the task flows I created and thought about how I could still have the same impact but in a simpler and efficient way. I removed the extra steps that I had included and simplified the action for users.

App Features

"My Shifts" Screen

  • A calendar and a list view so users can see their upcoming shifts in a way that’s most convenient for them
  • Can quickly see most relevant shift information with the ability to get to their shift information page

Ongoing Screen

  • Users are able to always see the most relevant information to them
  • Easy to understand and view timer information
  • Providers can easily contact customer service without leaving their most important page during a shift

Reminders for Breaks, Lunch, and Overtime

  • Badge notifications are used to remind providers to take their 10 minute breaks, lunch breaks, and to clock out if they’re over time
  • Providers can set the time between notifications in their account settings
  • Lunch reminders initially appear 4 hours into shifts that allow lunch
  • Overtime reminders would appear 30 minutes after scheduled shift end and then every hour after until the user clocks out

Avoid Accidental Early Clock Out

  • Pop-up appears if a provider tries to clock out earlier than scheduled end time

Timesheet Submission

  • Submitting the time sheet is automatically included in the clock out flow, avoids providers from forgetting to take the picture and delaying their payment

Find Information Easily

  • Quickly find information, whether articles or products, that match the search query

"My Shifts" Screen

  • A calendar and a list view so users can see their upcoming shifts in a way that's most convenient for them.
  • Can quickly see most relevant shift information with the ability to get to their shift information page

Ongoing Screen

  • Users are able to always see the most relevant information to them
  • Easy to understand and view time information
  • Providers can easily contact customer service without leaving their most important page during a shift

Reminders for Breaks, Lunch, and Overtime

  • Badge notifications are used to remind providers to take their 10 minute breaks, lunch breaks, and to clock out if they’re over time
  • Providers can set the time between notifications in their account settings
  • Lunch reminders initially appear 4 hours into shifts that allow lunch
  • Overtime reminders would appear 30 minutes after scheduled shift end and then every hour after until the user clocks out

Avoid Accidental Early Clock Out

  • Pop-up appears if a provider tries to clock out earlier than scheduled end time

Timesheet Submission

  • Submitting the time sheet is automatically included in the clock out flow, avoids providers from forgetting to take the picture and delaying their payment

Introducing Clipboard Health

View Prototype

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Final Thoughts

I was extremely proud with the work that I created and submitted in the timeframe that I had. Having to make a plan and work quickly helped me to get through this challenge, even if I had a bit of block the first 2 days. I was able to overcome it and move through the rest of the time with ease.

What I Learned

The Less Complicated the Better

In my initial user flow I was trying to too much in order to protect the users in the event there were issues with their time or pay. I didn't realize how excessive the flow became until I did some user testing and received feedback. Sometimes simple is okay.